Friday, October 31, 2008

Again And Again And Again And Again...

The Really: Is it me or are we really hearing the same two speeches from the same two candidates for the past 30 days...? Can I get an Amen?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain Breaks A Big Promise

Rev. Wright in his Marine Corps uniform.

The Really: John McCain claimed he would not let his campaign "go there" regarding the Rev. Wright issue.

But a national ad will be running now through the election
featuring the "God Damn America" speech of Rev. Wright and associating Barack Obama with it.

How low can you go John?

Dice Are Rolling, The Knives Are Out

Obama Hung In Effigy In Redondo Beach

The Really: Someone decided to counter the Palin/West Hollywood display with something even more tasteful?

Dear America,

Have you gone insane? The stress of the economic collapse has clearly unhinged many.


At Texas A&M University the Young Republicans club encouraged people to throw eggs at an Obama campaign poster. Now that's what you call an election.

Numerous reports of other "effigies" across America.

McCain Befuddled By Joe The Country Music Star

The Really: McCain campaign is back on track!

McCain Befuddled By Joe The Country Music Star

The Really: McCain campaign is back on track!

Apparently Joe the Plumber is busy signing his new country music contract while shivering, forgetting John McCain enters advanced state of befuddlement in depression bound Defiance, Ohio.

Voter Meltdown? States Not Prepared For Voter Turnout

The Really: Long lines and lack of preparation for massive turnout will decide the election?

Are the battleground states ready for the massive voter turnout? If the lines are already long for early voting what will happen will 70%-90% of registered voters show up to cast a ballot? What will happen when thousands of voters find they have been purged by state laws requiring this or that?

So what do long lines mean for the election? Will it be easier for voter supression or voter fraud to take place? Will the young be more likely to wait in line for four hours than the old? Will donuts only be distributed to people citing the "correct" preference? Will there be a Constitutional crisis regarding how long the polls can be kept open? Will states in close elections try to have a "two-day" election?

What is most amazing for a country that cared so deeply about the Y2K threat, is that there is very little reporting or commentary about what happens if you throw an election and everybody shows up!

McCain's Health

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

McCain Funded "Terrorist" He Accuses Obama Of Knowing

The Really: McCain campaign desperate and more desperate.

Actually the man is not a terrorist at all. He is a scholar. But in the lookinglass world McCain-Palin present to their low-information followers the fact is that most of their attacks on Obama turn out to be prima facie absurdities.

The newest whack-job attack is that the Los Angeles Times has some video of Obama at some event with some guy named Khalidi. Turns out this guy's organization was funded by John McCain.

Gramps is either forgetful or Vanna turned the wrong letter. The lying and hyposcrisy is becoming galling though and may hurt the Republican party as a whole. Nice, clean campaign you promised Gramps.

Here is the McCain-Khalidi connection from Harper's:

Of course, Khalidi has been involved in Palestinian causes. McCarthy ought to ask John McCain about that, because McCain and Khalidi appear to have some joint interests, and that fact speaks very well of both of them. Indeed, the McCain–Khalidi connections are more substantial than the phony Obama–Khalidi connections McCarthy gussies up for his article. The Republican party’s congressionally funded international-networking organization, the International Republican Institute–long and ably chaired by John McCain and headed by McCain’s close friend, the capable Lorne Craner–has taken an interest in West Bank matters. IRI funded an ambitious project, called the Palestine Center, that Khalidi helped to support. Khalidi served on the Center’s board of directors. The goal of that project, shared by Khalidi and McCain, was the promotion of civic consciousness and engagement and the development of democratic values in the West Bank. Of course, McCarthy is not interested in looking too closely into the facts, because they would not serve his shrill partisan objectives.

Obama Admits He Was A Marxist In Kindergarten

The Really: Obama is a Marxist.

At a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina today, Barack Obama directly addressed McCain and Palin accusations that he is a Marxist or a socialist. Yes, Obama intoned, "I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich at school."

BlogReally has been perplexed why crowds of struggling 40K a year people at McCain-Palin rallies boo at a sharing of the wealth. The wealth would be shared with them!!! And if they don't need it, send it our way!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The Really: Barack Obama could still lose the election?
As someone who watched the voting in individual counties in Florida online come in for Gore (while the major networks were calling the election for Bush) I have found a new healthy skepticism for the possibility of a complex "fix" to defeat Obama. How would they do it or could it also just be a big "accident"?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'd Like To Buy The World A Pepsi?

The Really: More coincidence?

The clever one-worlders at Pepsico have finally figured a way to defeat Coke in the: "I would Like To Buy The World A Coke" feel goodness department. Of course. Change your logo to the future one-world President Of The United States campaign logo!

US Choppers Attack Syria

The Really: A coincidence?

Nothing takes your mind off a domestic disturbance like some international disturbance.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Republicans Buy Bootleg/Counterfeit Merchandise For Palin

The Really: With a $150,000 fashion budget did the GOP really need to cheap out on the Louis Vuitton bag?

Governor Sarah Palin's daughter is seen here in a picture carrying a FAKE Louis Vuitton hand bag. What's the big deal? Well for starters we could go on a rant for the GOP spending all that cash on Palin during a time when the economy should be their number one issue but then again we could also blame Barack Obama for spending extra money to go see his ailing Grand mama. We could also take the line of, the girl has a fake (made illegally) hand bag and is thus promoting the crime of counterfeiting. And if spending money on luxury items and promoting crimes wasn't horrible enough, the Palin's and GOP truly crossed the line when they toted a knock off bag made bad enough that someone could actually spot its flaws in a photo... With all the secrete service, high surveillance and God knows what else what, couldn't they protect this little girl from some idiot bloggers with nothing better to do then write this story at 10:44pm on a Saturday night? Guess not!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Breaking: Triple Murder Mystery At Home Of Idol Jennifer Hudson

The Really: WFLD of Chicago is reporting two dead bodies (tentatively identified as Jennifer's mother and brother) found at the home of American Idol star Jennifer Hudson.

Update: WFLD is reporting that the 7-year-old nephew of Ms. Hudson , Julian King, is still missing though the boy's father William Balfour is now in custody.
Breaking: October 27, 2008. CNN is reporting that several news sources say a body found dead today is the missing nephew of singer Jennifer Hudson.

Ashley Todd: Poster Girl Of McCain Campaign Desperation

The Really: A McCain campaign worker in Pittsburgh made up a racially based robbery story when saying her mugger was an Obama supporter.

Now admits it isn't true.

Any of it.

Levels of desperation are seen all over the McCain campaign. Campaign heads are warring, workers are making up incredible stories (and getting arrested for it); all that seems to be left is voter supression. The Obama campaign and the DNC seem very, very ready to deal with Republican dirty tricks. You want to know why? Because people want a change.

Can McCain Play College Hoops If He Loses Election?

The Really: Really? A 73 year old man makes it on to Division 1 college basketball team? Yes, really!

With this breaking news we think that Senator John McCain (72) has a good shot at making it on to at least a Division 2 or 3 team if the whole President thing doesn't work out.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

GOP Says Obama Has Already Won Election

The Really: Has the GOP really proclaimed that the 2008 Presidential Election winner is Barack Obama?

In a recent television ad launched by the Republican Party there seems to be an admission of loss to the Democrats in the Presidential Election. The ad goes on to say that the GOP and its constituents need to concentrate on election races they can win so that the Democrats don't have a full House of Representatives, Senate, and White House.

Is this the beginning of the end for the GOP? Will the Democrats turn the U.S. into an evil Socialist country? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of "As The Election Turns..."

Happy Halloween From Alan Greenspan!

The Really: The scariest thing you can dress up as for Halloween is Alan Greenspan? Mask above.

Today in front of a Congressional committee, Alan Greenspan, the architect of free markets in America and the world in our lifetime is "shocked" that banks did not regulate themselves and their own risk.

If Greenspan had lived the life of the average American he would have seen that corporate governance and stewardship has been eroding away in increments for the last twenty years. It was the shift from the paternalistic business model of long employment with same companies, loyalty and benefits. When the "gunslinger" became President, it became every man for himself, and everyman was left at the chuckwagon with two sticks to rub together.

Banks did not manage their own risk? Yes but bank executives did: by taking their money up front in huge bonuses. Make no mistake about it. The Bush years have largely destroyed what was left of the fiction of the American Dream by selling the American people on cheap mortgages and unlimited credit just the way a three card monte dealer entices his customers or a MLM pyramid scam is proposed to its marks.
I got mine you go get yours will reduce America to the second-rate nation.

And so it goes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Up 10 Points In Polls... Or Is He?

The Really: Is Senator Barack Obama really this close to sealing up the 2008 Presidential Election or is this just another Democratic blunder waiting to happen?

Depending on the channel (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) or the Poll (AP, CNN/ABC. NY Times), Senator Barack Obama is up 10 points or only 1. Personally, I don't believe in polls. Polls, just like the humans who conduct them, are inherently flawed. I will know who won the election when the other guy has called in and conceded the election. Even then I will still be suspicious but I will at least feel like I can stop watching the news 25 hours a day.

It's crazy. I know that when I turn on the TV I will see the same thing I saw that morning and even a week ago. I will hear pro this and con that on everything they can think of. Yet, I still turn on that TV and fall asleep to it. I ask myself, what am I waiting for? Do I really expect to hear something different? No, I am just a plain old addict, what can I say... So instead of fighting it, I will overdose on it until the cows come home on November 5th.

Today I dropped my mail-in ballot in the mailbox. It felt good to vote for something and someone I believed in. All I will say is that I hope enough of the Electorial College feels the same as I do. It should be interesting to say the least.

Old Fashioned Mudslinging Shows Just How Old Republicans Are

The Really: Robocalls, mudslinging, six-packs and the politics of fear still work?

McCain seems old. Physically and intellectually. The tactics are from old campaigns and Army-McCarthy hearings. This may be a tactic to solidify the "old" vote but it may be falling on deaf ears. And now, Obama is a socialist? Is he?

What do the socialists say?

Greg Pason, National Secretary of the Socialist Party USA: “Barack Obama's programs are not socialist. The vast majority of his proposals are anti-worker (or he might say ‘pro-business’). His health care proposals are more to save the for-profit insurance industry and do not have the goal of ending for-profit insurance. He has refused to support a Senate version of HR676, which would create a single-payer program (not socialist but much better than we have, and [which has] the support of labor and community organizations across the US). Many of his other economic proposals are pro-corporate.A socialist program (even a reformist one) would not be a program that props up capitalism when it fails, but one that transforms the economy. None of Senator Obama's proposals do that. Senator Obama’s tax plan is regressive and even less ‘progressive’ than programs put forward under such conservative administrations like the one of Richard Nixon.”

We will not need to get out our copy of Red Dawn --and view it for instructions-- just yet it seems.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hockey Moms Shop At Target Not Saks, Sarah

The Really: It's hard to keep them out on the mudflats after they have seen gay Paree.

Palin discovers expense accounts, elite fashion and the ways of the Washington insider. Gee that didn't take long to corrupt that maverick. Or as we suspected, Sarah Palin is just playing a part.

Read:The campaign changed a real maverick like McCain; it was a snap to change a phony one like Palin.

Lady Attempts To Cuff Karl Rove Gets Busted Herself

The Really: You can't make this stuff up.
At a MBA gathering (Mortgage Bankers Association---that must be a FUN convention these days) a woman attempted to handcuff and arrest Karl Rove. She got close (almost got the cuffs on) but then got very busted herself and the cuffer became the cuffee.

Crazy Joe Biden Gives McCain Hay

The Really: Joe Biden gives McCain something to chew on.

McCain needed some hay to make in the final weeks of campaigning and Crazy Joe Biden gave it to him with his "international incident" comments at a Democratic fund raiser. Now instead of McCain saying he can't wait to introduce Sarah Palin to Washington, McCain can't wait to mention the Biden comments when he hits the stump today.

What the news stories rarely quote is Biden's comment that the nameless instigator of this international incident would find Obama has a "spine of steel." But what fun would that be if we didn't have an authentic "gaffe" from Joe before the election. Will it have legs? Like Secretariat the McCain camp thinks. Like more glue for the glue factory the Obama campaign thinks.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

From Worst To First: Tampa Bay Rays Go To World Series

The Really: The Tampa Bay Rays really knocked off the Red Sox to make it to the world series.

Tonight the Tampa Bay Rays, formally the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, defeated the 2007 World Series Champ Red Sox to make it to the World Series for the first time in team history. The Rays are what baseball is all about. They all play like a team, they have a common goal and they work their butts off. Even though they share the same division with my beloved New York Yankees I will root for them to beat the Philadelphia Phillies starting Wednesday night.

P.S. Thank you for knocking off the Red Sox. It made my heart smile for the first time in years...

2008 Election: The Most Amazing Race

The Really: Is this 2008 Presidential Election really this important?

In a word, Yes...

I have not been around for many elections, but in my lifetime none have captured me, my country or the world for that matter like this one has. There seems to be so much at stake this time. The War on Terror, the economy is in shambles and the very real possibility of appointing the next 2 Supreme Court Justices during the next 4 years. The difference between this election and others is that these are real issues this time and we are going to need a super hero to fix them. The issues the candidates are debating about are make or break issues right now. In the past, candidates would talk about health care or social security maybe raising or not raising taxes. That is great and all but we were going to be alight for the most part. Now, if our economy does not get fixed 95% of us are really stand to be in deep s***. If we don't patch up our relations with countries, especially in the middle east, the September 11th attacks could just be the beginning.

The last 6 years have seen unprecedented spending by both the federal government and its citizens, horrible foreign policy decisions and just an overall loss in our standing as the #1 country in the world.

When you couple this with the fact that either party will make history (first African American president or first woman as vice president) when voted into office; this is what makes this election so special. Either candidate will have more then 4 years worth of work on the first day of their presidency. Either candidate will be remembered as the one that brought our country out of its biggest hole yet, or the candidate that dug us deeper in that hole.

As we head to the polls this year lets remember some key things. These two candidates are both great men. They have both worked their entire lives to protect and serve our country as best they know how. Even though they will go about it in different ways, both candidates believe they have the country's best interests at heart. I don't know if you can say that about our current administration but my gut feeling is that you can say that about the next one.

I have my opinions as I am sure you all have yours. Let us all try to keep our eyes, ears and mouths on the task at hand, working together to bring this country back to life. As much as I disagree with some of the choices made on our behalf in Washington, I am fortunate to be an American. I have the opportunity, the right, to share my thoughts and feelings with millions of people all over the world and that is more then many can say.

Driving Stakes Through The Neo-Con Heart

The Really: Conservatives assail McCain-Palin ticket leaving just the lunatic fringe?

The die has been cast by the McCain-Palin campaign. Vote for us or you are anti-American.

Huh? Boy, does that not go over well with intelligent independents who do not have faith in an old, blinky absent-minded pol and his outback VP.

And worse, the intellectuals on the conservative right can barely sputter out their fear of guilt by association with neo-cons. Read all about the intelligent conservative's defection.

Colin Powell's Interview On Meet The Press

The Really: Please watch and tell us if you can really disagree with anything retired General Colin Powell said in his interview this morning on Meet The Press.

The Interview:

Obama Gains 30 Years Foreign Policy Experience In 5 Minutes


The Really: We all woke up this morning because Colin Powell really wanted to tell us something important.

The former Secretary of State for the first George W. Bush administration announced today that he will crossing party lines and voting for Senator Barack Obama in 16 days. Colin Powell stated that Obama "is a transformational figure" and has the "ability to inspire". Powell expressed his disappointment with the republican ticket because of what he viewed as a negative turn in John McCain's campaign.

This has to come as a major blow to the republican ticket. I don't think they actually thought that Colin Powell was going to support them, however, I have a feeling they would of rather him just say nothing because many folks, namely republicans, respect and listen to what Colin Powell has to say. It should be interesting to watch the polls this week to see how much of an impact Powell's statement has.

The only sad or negative side to this I see is that I am 100% sure you will hear something from someone about how Colin Powell did this because it is a face issue. That will just go to show us how far this country has not come and how far we still have to go.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sarah Palin As Unfunny On SNL As In Real Life

The Really: Palin's appearance on SNL will go a long way to showing she is a good sport and a real person?

The words "wooden" and "stilted" come to mind. Watch the skits here: The whole thing was hard to watch. NBC got its ratings but it was like watching your drunken in-laws do the twist at a wedding until they just fall down.

Missouri Is The "Show Me" State

The Really: Obama spoke in front of 100,000 people today in a RED state?

Consider us SHOWN.

To Sum Up People From New York...

The Really: Are people from New York really rude?

HELL NO! If you think we are rude why don't you take your opinion and shove it up your ...
Just kidding. I was riding in a car one day with a fellow New York native and we started to politely discuss the question at hand. Mind you, neither of us were living in New York State when we had this conversation, however the both of us had spent many years there.

My friend summed it up in one concise sentence. He politely stated, "People from New York are not rude, we are just courteous enough to not waste your time, so we seem abrupt. I couldn't agree more. I share this because I just spent a week back in New York and did not encounter one rude person.

The Reverse Bradley Effect

My 85 year old mother just told me she early voted for "that one." Not unexpected since she almost always votes Democratic but she very much wanted to vote for Hillary. She was upset that she may never get a chance to vote for a woman for President in her lifetime. But she seemed very comfortable with her vote.

But if a pollster had asked her who she was going to vote for, she might have said undecided. There was nothing undecided about it.

Where Is Sinead O'Connor When You Need Her?

The Really: So Sarah Palin is going to be on SNL tonight?

So will Tina Fey be there? How about Tim Robbins? Or even better Sinead O'Connor who famously ended a performance on SNL by tearing up a picture of the Pope. Let's be honest: SNL is always good but its edgy greatness ended just after season one. Nobody wants an incident and Palin will be a good sport and SNL will be good hosts.

But is it too much to pray for something like the Sinead-Pope picture incident?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Isn't That Cute: Republicans Have A Little Acorn Of Their Own

The Really: Republicans have their own little ACORN?
The Los Angeles Times reports YPM, a GOP sign here on the dotted line firm, is switching people's party affilation without their knowledge prior to the election.

McCain Spams Phones

The Really: People like to receive disembodied calls from machines talking about terrorists?

Perhaps in a campaign rife with hypocrisy, it is the ultimate hypocrisy that the McCain campaign is using the same robocall company that smeared McCain in election year 2000?

Obama And McCain Jib and Jab At 4 Million Dollar Dinner

The Really: Barack Obama took some long overdue shots at John McCain and his short comings. They were really funny too...

When I heard John and Barack lambaste one another all in the name of fun last night hopefully I was not the only one that got some much needed relief from the regular stump speeches. What I find really funny is that each candidate were able to make some major digs at one another as well as themselves. From Mad Magazine ears to jokes about McCain knowing people during the prohibition, the jokes just didn't stop. I thought the slams were fairly delivered and I also think that the writers of the humor (certainly not McCain or Obama) did some of the best work that either of the two candidates have read to a crowd in 12 months.

McCain presented first and came out swinging with Obama following up and delivering a flurry of shots that he had not delivered personally yet. This was the time and the place for Barack Obama to bring some issues such as age to light. Whether you like him or not, Obama has withstood pot shot after pot shot from both McCain and Palin directly. While Obama's campaign has certainly fought back and taken their share of opportunities to expose McCain's flaws; Obama has never really delivered any punches with the gloves off until last night.

Overall, I thought last night was a good night off from serious politics and stupid campaign tricks. I am still watching some of the clips because they were REALLY that funny. Enjoy!

John McCain Wins! (Last Comic Standing)

The Really: John McCain also intentionally funnier than Barack Obama.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain Still Out Of Touch

The Most Important Election Of Our Time

The Really: Be a clown. Funny faces from the most important election of our time. We had to go back in history to get Obama's funny face but McCain and Palin are constantly giving us material.

Is Joe The Plumber An Electiontrician?

The Really: Is Joe The Plumber really undecided?

After ten minutes in last night's debate we became sick of our struggling quarter million dollar a year salaried Joe The Plumber. You know Joe, the undecided voter who can't buy his business because Barack Obama is a communist or something?

Well it turns out Joe is a registered Republican and voted that way in a primary. Or maybe he is not registered at all and his last name sounds a little familiar and we do not mean it sounds like a deli sandwich. Maybe he became "undecided" but maybe he is also a political plant. It happens.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Can I Express In Words How Much I Don't Care What Joe The Plumber Thinks

Obama called "Grace Under Pressure"

The Really: Barack Obama stayed calm, cool and collected while John McCain went for the HailMary and really got intercepted!

With Barack Obama having a double digit lead (in some polls) his plan was to stay the course, keep to the issues and dispel some rumors. John McCain on the other hand needed to change this campaign, be clear and steal this debate. Senator McCain did not steal this debate and to his dismay he may have lost more ground. McCain was very scattered with his line of thinking, was not very clear and concise and when we tried to attack Senator Obama, Obama was able to defend himself well.

McCain did seem more alive tonight but I believe his fall from grace over the past month is only going to hurt that much harder when November 4th comes around. Unless McCain can explain to a few hundred million people why Joe The Plumber should be his new running mate I believe we will have our first black president. McCain's Hail Mary attempt at winning this debate came up an incomplete pass... Thinks Senator Obama Won The Debate

The Really: Obama really can't dunk a basketball but he dunked McCain tonight.

Let's Get Ready To Rumble...

The Really: It's REALLY gonna be on tonight!

And The Winner Is...

The Really: Stay tuned to for our picks of who won, who lost and what it all really means.

Countdown To Debate 2008

Ohio Teacher Demands Privacy For Public Speech

The Really: Ohio teacher demands You Tube removal of comments she made to a blogger. Discovers internet is powerful.

An intrepid blogger (Blogger Interrupted) made a video of folks entering a Palin rally in Ohio. He asked if people really thought Obama was a terrorist. Some people stupidly responded. Now they want a "do over!"

One woman, who reportedly is a public school teacher, wants the video removed from You Tube! It invades her privacy!
Here is a lesson teach: public speech made willingly in a public place is public, not private. The camera was not hidden. It was in your face. Also, your comments were newsworthy.

Leanne Prohibitive Favorite

The Really: Leanne has a lock on winning the White House...we mean Project Runway.

Blogging Project Runway polls show that 75% of Project Runway fanatics think Leanne will walk the runway away with tonight's finale. But beware: PR has thrown some curves in the past.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Palin: I've Got Nothing To Lose...

The Really: But we do.

I am still trying to figure out exactly what Gov. Palin was talking about on Rush Limbaugh's show today. Did she mean attacking Obama? Did she mean running on a national political ticket?

Sometimes the executioner likes their work a bit too much. People who attack someone for "terrorist" ties really shouldn't have a long association with a seperatist political group with a stated hatred for the US government.

People who think every shout is an attack and requires questioning someone's loyalty to our country (when it is just a shout to "speak up").

People who claim they have been completely vindicated really should read the actually report; they may find they have been found guilty of "abusing" their power.

In the last 8 years, along with a pot of money, we in this country have lost a lot.

Suckered into a war we didn't need to fight. Lulled into a false sense of economic security while the robber barons were looting the banks, the treasury and the future.

We do have something to lose.
We could lose the hope that this trend can be reversed.

Ringo Starr Tells Fans Thanks, But No Thanks Anymore

The Really: With all the fame and fortune that fans have brought Ringo Starr did he really have to post a stupid video on his web site telling fans he is done responding to them?

The Link:
Ringo Star Tells Fans NO MORE SIGNING

In a not so shocking move (considering he is British), Ringo Starr whose real name is Richard Starkey told his fans he will no longer respond to fan mail or requests for pictures and autographs. He said after 45 years he is done and fans will get zip, zero, zilch after October 20th 2008.

I understand that a star could get burned out on responding but its not like he has Britney Spears amounts of fan mail anymore. I would venture a guess that Elvis gets more fan mail then Ringo Starr does at this point and Elvis has been dead for 20 plus years. Ringo, its not like you read your fan mail anyway. Are you really too cheap to keep paying that intern you probably don't even pay to send out photocopied head shots? Is it really to much or are you just a snarky old man at this point?

I will let it be known that when I am famous I will never stop responding to my emails, letters or phone calls from fans. In fact, I will have a number dedicated to fans that I will spend hours a week responding to until the day I die and even then, I will have a prerecorded message so my fans can stay satisfied. Either that or I will get a new intern every year to reply to your requests for a head shot!

I think that we should all send Ringo Starr as many letters asking for anything we can think of until his cut off date of October 20th, 2008. I will compose mine over the next day and send it airmail to our friend in Britain. I will post a copy of my letter and update you as to the status of my Ringo "I used to be a..." Starr head shot. Stay Tuned!

The Last Debate: Obama McCain At Hofstra University October October 15, 2008

The Really: This debate will seal the deal for the election?

Can Bob Schieffer save the debates? Except for the Biden-Palin debate, the sizzle factor has been missing (or maybe there never is sizzle in the carefully constructed debates post-Nixon makeup debacle in 1960) this year. But this is the last chance for both candidates to make their points without spending a zillion dollars on advertising.

The "roundtable" format may make this debate more lively and more personal and Schieffer is a gutsy newsman; so it has possibilities. Also the history of Hofstra University may have a bearing. Put on your comfy wooden shoes and read about it. Hofstra is smack in the middle of Long Island and somewhere between Belmont Park horse racing complex and the rest of the way to the Hamptons, but the twist of fate which is buried deep in Hofstra's founding may be instructive.

William Hofstra, who bought the land which was later donated to the public good and led to the founding of the university, once booked a ticket on the Titanic for a trip to America. His plans changed and he took a different ship to Canada and later went on to be a successful businessman and pillar of Long Island society.

It begs the question: Has McCain with his erratic, wandering campaign bought a ticket on the Titanic? Has Obama's campaign overcome any doubts the independents have as to his readiness? Tomorrow they will sit around the roundtable. If one looks Presidential and the other comes off as the "get off my lawn" cranky old man, it may be over.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Palin Clears Herself Of Troopergate Scandal!

The Really: In news interviews Sarah Palin claims she was completely cleared in the Troopergate scandal?

What do we call that: fibbing, dissembling or maybe just LYING!? ABC News chronicles the mis-statements? characterizations? Lies!! right here.

Just in case anyone is confused about the character of this candidate, there it is above -- in black and white and directly from the text of the report of the Alaskan State Legislature. This is what the report says: abused her power.

Palin Tells Reporters She Has Been Cleared By Troopergate Report

Candidate Sees Losing As Actually Winning

The Really: McCain no longer reminds of us of crazy old gramps?

Psycho-Dow Ends Day With Largest Single Day Point Gain Ever

The Really: Bank international bailout plan marks end of market slide?

Dow Up +936.42 (11% market value gain)

What's Really Important In Life?

The Really: Project Runway finale is this week. You excited?

As we continue down the road to economic disaster and near class warfare (and one of the most contentious elections in memory) it is time to pause putting our hobo kit together before we take a Sullivan's travel and vote for who we think will win this season's Project Runway.

I am partial to Leanne--and those naysayers saying nay to this season's talent--have missed Leanne's elegant reductionist fashion sense, with it's no-frills style, as it ushers in a New Depression with grace.

Kenley is exactly the kind of girl I used to get in trouble with (yeah I like the mean ones) and she has some chops, but I find her stuff derivative though interesting. My second choice.

Korto showed flashes of brilliance this season but too often there is too much going on with her designs, and frankly right now in the world there is too much going on.

Vote in the poll or leave a comment or just enjoy the show. Priorities, after all, priorities.