Saturday, November 29, 2008

Plaxico Misses Foot; Shoots Self In Leg Instead

The Really: The march of the New York Giants back to the Super Bowl was lacking a little drama.

So someone had to shoot himself in the foot. But it will not be Eli who has his eyes on the prize.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Taj Hotel Standoff Is Over (Again)

The Really: The terrorist standoff at the Taj Hotel in Mumbai is now over, again.

MSNBC is now reporting the standoff is over (and provides an excellent recap of the other times the standoff has been declared over in the past three days.)

Forgive us for not outsourcing.

Why They Call It Black Friday

The Really: A Wal-Mart employee was killed and a woman suffered a miscarriage when a crowd broke through the doors at 5:00 am to hunt for "bargains" at a Wal-Mart on Long Island.

So is this why they call it Black Friday? American shoppers have always been insane but add the evil of the recent economic disaster and the more it is like the Day of the Locust than Black Friday.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Scares Children!

The Really: These are real photos of real balloons that have been in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

You think times are bad now?! Look at this photo of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from the 1930s? Sheesh.

These come from the Bowery Boys; one of the best blogs on the internet and careful stewards of an elevated style of blogging which is part Smithsonian and part History Channel and part always entertaining.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ann Coulter: Wired

The Really: Ann Coulter unbelievably strong right wing pundit broke her jaw and had to have it wired?
Page Six reported it and many news outlets are laughing so hard up their sleeve it is scary, but indeed there are reports that Coulter broke her jaw after a fall (metaphor?) and has had to have it wired.

Monday, November 24, 2008

President Bush Unveils New Great Depression Fashion

The Really: Doing his part in the worldwide economic depression crisis, the President unveils a new low cost fashion style to replace those costly suits and coats which are destroying the economy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Citi Never Sleeps

The Really: Late breaking news from CNBC shows that the Citi never sleeps when it is trying to put together a deal to save itself.

Breaking now: Citi is trying to work with the Government to sell assets or receive a bailout-in (or "out" as you prefer) but the situation is fluid. (The mind boggles when one thinks what kind of fluids these may be).

Meanwhile Ryan Tate the night reporter at Gawker has compiled several reports which lead one to believe that the following countries are on the brink of a kind of "bankruptcy".: joining poor Iceland may soon be Great Britain, Switzerland and Hedgefundia.

Dealbreaker is providing a blow-by-blow for those who know they will not get to sleep tonight anyway.

Baseball Stat Man And Election Result Seer Calls Election For Franken

The Really: Nate Silver (new media darling of political prediction) and statistical wunderkind is predicting Al Franken will win Seanate seat in Minnesota by 27 votes. This guy is good.

At his election fact machine Silver is backing his prediction with numbers, analysis and a transparent statistical methodology that makes perfect sense in its elegant genuis.

Who wants the over-under?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What Is This ?

The Really: This is not a hoax. This is a real animal: but it looks like a cross bewteen a dog, a rabbit and a cat.

On The 45th Anniversary Of The Assassination Of JFK

The Really: Dallas has kept the School Book Depository and turned it into a museum rather than just forget that fateful day.
As the eyewitnesses to the event die off, it will remain a source of information and a rememberance of November 22, 1963. Where were you?
I was once sitting in traffic in Dallas many years ago, not really aware of where I was, when I suddenly realized: this was Dealy Plaza. It was small. Very small. The pictures often make it look like a huge expanse but it is really a very contained almost postage stamp-sized place. I realized that all the millions of words spent wondering if Lee Harvey Oswald would have had enough skill to shoot the President from the School Book Depository were ridiculous. You could have hit him with a rock.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hillary Clinton Accepts Post As Secretary Of State

The Really: It was really the right move for Hillary to eat some of her words and accept the job.

What do we mean by eating her words? Well, it was less then 6 months ago that Hillary was telling us that Obama was too immature and unqualified to be President of the United States and now she works for that unqualified President Elect! Go figure.

As I told a friend earlier this week, I hope no one in NY got too attached to her because Hillary has two words for New Yorkers, "I'm Gone!"

Franken Camp Claims Less Than 100 Votes Seperate in Minnesota Recount

The Really: Could Franken actually when this election after all?
With 51% of the recount in, the Franken camp claims less than 100 votes seperate Franken from Coleman in the Minnesota Senate race. Whew. Will this end up being decided by a court? Or by one vote?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fraken Trails By Only 174 Votes With 80% Yet To Recount

The Really: Could this be number 59?

Franken camp sees day one of recount going better than expected.

Karl Rove Declares Obama Presidency A Complete Failure

The Really: Rove attributes the economic collapse to the complete failure of the Obama administration.

Karl? He isn't the President. Your looking-glass world has come to an end. Please go away. Thank you.

Some election defeats can be measured arithmetically, by lost votes and seats. But what befell Republicans on 4 November has the feel of a Götterdämmerung. Suddenly Ronald Reagan, the party's patron saint during a generation of conservative dominance in America, is a figure from a remote and vanished past. Of George W Bush, once seen as Reagan's heir, no more need be said. As for Karl Rove, aka "Bush's Brain" and once touted as architect of a boundless Republican future, he is now to political strategizing what Alan Greenspan is to central banking.

The Independent

Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey Collapses

The Really: You didn't even know his name, did you?

He collapsed during a speech on National Security this evening at the Marriott Hotel in Washington DC.

Get Out Your Hobo Stick And Watch Sullivan's Travels

The Really: Maybe Preston Sturge's classic film is just what we need right now.

It's Sullivan's Travels and it was in a string of hits by the highest paid director/writer of his time Preston Sturges. Released in 1941 it tells the story of director John L. Sullivan who wants to make a social-problems film called 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?' (get it, the Cohen brothers used it as the title of the Clooney film a few years back-ed) When his producers point out that he knows nothing about trouble or poverty, he goes on the road as a hobo. Joined by a down-on-her-luck aspiring actress, the results are hardly the kind of trouble he had in mind.

Enjoy this clip.

Dow Down 400 Again: The End Of The World As We Know It

The Really: End of the world as we know it music to help you on your commute home (if you have one).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Forget GM. I Want A LincVolt!

The Really: Neil Young is making the coolest electric car in history?

Put on the Cinnamon Girl and click the link to see how the Y of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young has dedicated his money to an electric car enterprise that does what no other electric has done before it. The Lincvolt is awesome. Young also looks at the state of electrics and what should be done about the Detroit bail-out. Keep on rocking in the free world Neil!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This Is The Proper Use Of The Internet

The Really: This is what the internet was made for.

Secretary Of Wait

The Really: So are you going to take it? Was it even offered?

The AP has compiled an exhaustive report from sources both named and unamed, Obamaites and Clintonians, pros and cons, regarding the state of the Secretary of State vetting.

Stevens Loses Senate Seat To Begich

The Really: Another Alaskan loses a major election.

We will always have the polar bears (and the oil). MSNBC and AP report Stevens loses re-election bid. No need for special elections after he is tossed from the Senate -- or for Governors to think about maybe trying their hand in Washington right now, you betcha.

Ted Stevens Falls Further Behind In Voting

The Really: A poll watcher in Anchorage?

The beacon of truth from the frosty north Mudflats blog is reporting early results of the next round of vote counting is increasing Mayor Mark Begich's lead over felon-not-felon Ted Stevens. If Ted was seat holding for Sarah Palin, they might want to look into Plan B.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lion Of The Senate Returns And Brings The Dogs

The Really: He brought his dogs?

Teddy Kennedy stopped to answer questions on his return to the Senate after 6 months while still undergoing treatment for brain cancer. His wife is with him and if you look carefully, she is holding the leashes of the Kennedy dogs. Their names are Sunny and Splash.

The Cuban Shizzle Crisis

The Really: Will Mark Cuban handle jail as well as Martha did?

The SEC has filed insider trading charges against eternally smug and frequently shouty basketball owner and dot-com-bust avoider Mark Cuban. Funny enough, one of Mark's ventures is a site which tracks market trading frauds:

CNBC reports that Cuban sold the 600,000 shares of in 2004 and that the timing of the sale reportedly saved Cuban $750,000. Among his various ventures Cuban is also the majority partner of, which purports to expose securities fraud.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Maybe We Should Call You Neel "Cash-and-Carry?"

The Really: Neel Kashkari (Assistant Bailout Czar) needs a bailout from the crazy mean Congressmen today.

Congressmen tear Neel a new one. Video to follow.
"I assure you the secretary is passionate about this," Kashkari said.
"Passionate about what?" Kucinich said.
"About helping homeowners," Kashkari replied.
"Where?" Kucinich asked, sarcastically. "What country?"
"We are using all the tools available to ease the credit crises," Kashkari said. "Let me give you an example..."
Kucinich interrupted Kashkari and continued his harangue.
"Maybe this is a game to some people in the administration. They're on their way out of office and they can do whatever they want," said Kucinich who tried to launch impeachment proceedings against Bush. "Meanwhile, people are hoping against hope" for help with their mortgages.

Aniston Called Uncool For Uncool Comment By Totally Cool Brad Pitt

The Really: How uncool is it to call someone uncool?

Whoa. Brad called Jen to say: "Uncool, girlfriend." Didn't Brad uncoolly split with Jen with another woman he was making a movie with? How uncool was that? So if what Jen said in Vogue was uncool; do two uncools make a cool?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Count Your Mooses Before They Hatch

The Really: Sarah Palin has it all figured out during her many interviews she doesn't rule out stepping into the the seat of now and future king Ted Stevens...

But wait. Although Palin and others continue to say Stevens has won, the outcome is not only in doubt but starting to tide towards Begich. Read Mudflats on the most recent vote count here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dear GM: That Hummer Was A Great Idea

The Really: You still make that thing?

Saying that GM deserves to get a bailout (Hey! Whatever happened to the bad mortgages getting taken care of) has as much support from the general public as Sarah Palin getting an invitation to a Mensa meeting. It just SEEMS wrong.

Yet it will still be cheaper to save them than to let them go under. But who is answering the questions about how the bailout monies are being used?

Monday, November 10, 2008

DHL: What's It Stand For?

The Really: Maybe it is too late to ask the question but, "What do the letters DHL stand for?

No bailout for delivery companies, but since nobody is buying anything, there is no reason to ship stuff and because companies are doing less shipping documents around, they moved to REALLY learning how to use pdfs and email.
So as 10K people (be honest Wilmington, Ohio, didn't you guys vote for Bush: TWICE!) get laid off and US operations cease, what did DHL stand for?

The company was founded in 1969 by Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom, and Robert Lynn.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Generation O: The Nowhere Generation Changes The World

The Really: The Millennials know about computers and stuff and also how to change the world.

The hipster world of veganism, alt music and with more curiosity about their Facebook pages than about work schedule has been pretty much maligned as naive and self-important.

Well a really good attitude about political possibilities and a lack of cynicism helped them make the difference in the historic election which voted Barack Obama into office.

The New York Times having watched too much Current TV, has decided to name them. I would be mad if I was them. Generation O: For Oprah or Obama or Zero?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reading, Writing And Arithmetic Alaska Style

The Really: The voting numbers in Alaska's elections make no sense?

Nate Silver of the of says they don't make any sense and he nailed the national election results with precision. At Mudflats there is an excellent recap of what is so funny. The funny is: fewer Alaskan's voted in the presidential and senatorial elections than voted in the primaries and the poll numbers are 15-22 points off where as they were darn close in the lower 48. With your Governor on the ticket 14% fewer people voted? Really? I mean REALLY??!!

The Not So Political Truth About Rahm

The Really: Not that there is anything really wrong with it, but its just a little tid bit we thought we would share.

Taken directly from a Rolling Stone Article:
Click the link to read the whole article.
When Rahm was a boy, his mother forced him to take ballet lessons, and he threw himself into it with the same intensity he would later bring to politics, winning a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet. Friends jokingly theorize that his toughness is actually an outgrowth of being a ballet dancer: With that sort of thing on your resume, you had better be ready to fight if you hope to survive in Chicago politics. "The guy had been a ballet dancer in college," says Bruce Reed, "yet grown men lived in mortal fear of what he might do to them if they couldn't get the answer he wanted."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lower 48 Pronounced Palin Free

The Really: Is she gone?

News reports say that Sarah Palin has left the lower 48 and returned to Alaska USA this afternoon. Gone but not forgotten and though someone, somewhere has convinced this person that they should run for national office we perfer to keep the sterotype of Alaskans as being survivalists, or nut cases or people running from the law (as wrong as that might be).

Mudflats, that beacon of truth from the far northern reaches, however now has more to report about their Governor. At least they know how to handle her.

NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin’s shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain’s top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family — clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent ‘tens of thousands’ more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide … said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.”

The New Gentleman From Hope

The Really: It will not be easy but this is the right man for this difficult time. It really is okay to vote for Obama.

The eight years of Rovian politics (politics based on fear and the basest of the base instincts of the American people) and the incompetence of the Bush adminstrations old boy network (good years for the monetary elite but very bad for the regular Joe) could reduce words like "hope" to the ash heap of history.

Reaganomics always seemed like a good idea for the military-industrial-Wall Street complex but that is not where we live and never was. As salaries and benefits went by the wayside in increments to add a few points to the bottom line and an entire country's desire to possess shoddy sparkly goods became "religious" the basic principles of what makes America great were lost. An HDTV is not freedom; shouting USA for no particular reason is not patriotism; holding political power as an end to itself is not American; winning the war in Iraq--whatever that means--was not some sacred mission.

The sin's of the Father's Founder's were known to them. They doubted the Republic could last with slavery. The Civil War was fought a century and a half ago and yet racism still exists. Yet, today, America will elect an African-American man to be their leader. There is a boldness here which gives one hope. It will not be the same old thing.

No it will not be easy. But what is "hope" except having a chance. What is the dream of America except an essential fairness.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Accepts The Challenge Ahead

The Really:
Yes, he really can now.

The Really: Obama Wins The 2008 Presidential Election

Obama Wins... In Dixville Notch N.H.

The Really: What does this really mean?

Absolutely nothing and possibly everything... In a land slide victory, Barack Obama crushed his opponent John McCain by a tally of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch, N.H. and 17 to 10 in Hart's Location, N.H.. For more on these results click here. Will this small victory sow the seeds for a much larger one today? Stay tuned to the only place for pundit free coverage of the 2008 Election,!

Monday, November 3, 2008

What Me Worry?

The Really: We are really sorry about the language.

This Ad Will Make You Cry

The Really: Set to Simon and Garfunkel's American Tune, this was the only ad which could make you cry (in the right way) in this endless campaign season.

Latest Victim Of Nasty Economy: Brothels

The Really: Working girls can't catch a break.
The latest victims of the nasty economic downturn are brothels in Nevada. No wonder they voted their pocketbooks.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Paint It Black

The Really: Wealth-spreading-one-worlder wants to destroy the coal industry?

Top notch journalists Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin have cut the juicy parts out of Obama interview about cap and trade policy on dirty coal and have presented it as a "God Damn America" moment. They claim under Obama the coal industry would be destroyed and electricity prices would go through the roof. Problem is: that is not the policy or what he said.

Rather than parse the attack-- it looks baseless (out of context as usual) from desperate Republican's; let's just remember that the people who work in coal HATE John McCain and his lack of support for American coal, and have endorsed Barack Obama for his forward thinking on the preservation of their industry. United Mine Workers have endorsed Obama.
You think they are confused?

BlogReally's Top Ten Reasons Barack Obama Will Be Our Next President

The Really: Top Ten Reasons Why Barack Obama Will REALLY Be Our Next President

10. Barack Obama probably lies a little bit less then John McCain.

9. Even Republicans are scared of what Sarah Palin might do if she were President.

8. John McCain said in a Town Hall Meeting last month "My fellow Terrorists" (Freudian slip perhaps...?)

7. 1/2 Black men are less scary then 72 year old white men with P.T.S.D. even when their middle name is Hussein.

6. Republicans have taken a note out of the Democrats book and royally screwed up an election they could have won easily.

5. If a call comes in at 3AM to the White House, who do you think will actually be able to wake up and function? DUH

4. If you thought the Rodney King Riots were bad...

3. Even my 91 year old, white as rice, raised in the segregated south and occasionally calls a black person ...... Grandma is voting for Barack.

2. Sarah Palin would miss her view of Russia too much and move the US Capitol to Wasilla, Alaska

and last but not least....

1. Who could resist saying they voted for "THAT ONE"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Ghost Of William Henry Harrison

The Really: John McCain would be the oldest President in history should he be elected. Even older than Ronald Reagan.

But John McCain is not the only cranky old man to want to be president and 68-year-old William Henry Harrison is a ghostly object lesson for us all. The punchline however is not Tyler: it's Palin.

On March 26, Harrison became ill with a cold. The presumptive story, which has become common knowledge despite its falsity, is that the inauguration day exposure was the cause of his illness. In fact, it was more than three weeks after the inauguration before Harrison showed the first signs of ill health. The cold worsened, rapidly turning to pneumonia and pleurisy. According to the prevailing medical misconception of that time, microorganisms being then unknown, it was believed that his illness was directly caused by the bad weather, when, in fact, he was likely a victim of the common cold virus, exacerbated by the drastic pressures of his changed circumstances. He sought to rest in the White House, but could not find a quiet room because of the steady crowd of office seekers; in addition, his extremely busy social schedule made any rest time scarce.

Harrison's doctors tried cures, applying opium, castor oil, Virginia snakeweed, and even actual snakes. But the treatments only made Harrison worse, and he became delirious. He died nine days after becoming ill, at 12:30 a.m., on April 4, 1841, of right lower lobe pneumonia, jaundice, and overwhelming septicemia, becoming the first American president to die in office. His last words were to his doctor, but assumed to be to John Tyler, "Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more." Harrison served the shortest term of any American president: only 30 days, 12 hours and 30 minutes

And So The Shit Storm Begins

The Really: Don't ever take a pig up on his offer to wrestle in the mud. You will get dirty and the pig likes it.

War hero John McCain trades in his last claim to political honor by unleashing a relentless torrent of half-truths, vile innuendo and gutter politics in a last ditch effort to gain enough votes from low-information voters to win the election.
Despite evidence that the American public is sick of the negative campaign of the Republican party, a litany of attack commenced today.

Rather than return the numerous opportunities to attack McCain for his own many indiscretions, the Obama campaign has simply pointed out the smears and mud-slinging without getting any blowback on themselves.

The election, which in itself is a referendum on the state of the nation, is also a test of character for its voters. An acceptance or rejection of the politics of fear of Karl Rove. An afirmation of the principles of fair play and equality written into many of our earliest documents. But even more importantly, a vote to determine what kind of nation we wish to become.

The sin's of the father may be visited upon the son or daughter or in great moments of history can be transformed into a greatness. The McCain campaign could not be a steward of that kind of greatness.

Virginia Trying to Suppress Student Votes

The Really: A new twist on voter suppression techniques?

Trying to keep track of the voter purges, suppression and casual attempts (flyers in Virginia using the old "Democrats vote on Nov. 5th" ruse) to hold down the vote are going to be coming in fast and furious. Some early voting places in Indiana are under attack by Republicans; Colorado was forced to reinstate thousands who had been purged on a technicality.

Students who used their dorm address as their residence have been booted from Virginia rolls. I will bet their thinking is also that cellphones are not "real" phones because they are NOT ATTACHED TO ANYTHING. And the internet is made out of tubes.

The Republican Political Cloud

BUMBBLINGincompetentEIGHT YEARS OF HELLdisingenuouscarpetbaggersSMEARdirty tricks whack jobs nut casesROBBER BARONSnastyAyersKhalidiGGordon LIDDYKarl Rove NEGATIVITY