The Really: Here we go again with another example of how our political candidates try to be elected on scare tactics, fear mongering, and really stupid attacks on their opponent rather then talk about what they will do to help the country.
And yes Jack, we really can handle the truth...
For once I would really like to see a political campaign run 100% on the merits of the candidate vying for office. Time and time again when a candidate wants to be elected or look good, they point out the supposed faults of their opponent. Well here is the problem with that, their views are obviously tainted. Rarely and I mean RARELY will they even state true facts to support their outlandish claims about their opponent.
I think the public deserves a break from this crap. I believe that we are all intelligent enough to do our own critical thinking. I believe that if candidates would just give us some "straight talk" about themselves, give us some real facts about what they have done and what their intentions are; that we would be able to make a sound choice about who we wanted to align ourselves with. Would one of these presidential candidates please stand up and get elected on their own merits, not the demerits of their opponent. And one more thing if either of you can handle it, would you please save us from having to listen to your bottom ticket pit bulls talk nonsense about the top of the other ticket.
The TRUTH is that Sarah Palin has no idea what John McCain has done or what kind of a maverick he really is. The TRUTH is that she can't quote any other Supreme Court cases. The TRUTH is that she doesn't know much about running a country or a minor league hockey team for that matter.
And now you Joe... The TRUTH is that Joe Bidin did say he didn't think Barak Obama was qualified to be the President of The United States. The TRUTH is that he misstated John McCain's record on voting when it comes to the budget at the Vice Presidential Debate. The TRUTH is that Joe is just as much a part of the Good Old Boys Club as any other Senator who has been there for 30 plus years and that does not lend itself to changing how things are being done in the Government.
You want my vote Barak, you want my vote John, you want my vote Joe, you want my vote Sarah, how about just being honest! Tell us what you have done in life that you regret. Tell us that you made some crappy choices along the way but you have learned and moved forward. Tell us that you will really listen and respond to what you hear. Tell us that you will make mistakes again in life but you will do your best to be honest and open at all times. Stand up their naked and say "This is who I am." I wouldnt have half the disdain for politics as I do if someone up there would just show us enough respect to actually talk to us straight. All the candidates tell us constantly that they know how we feel. Really? Do you get talked around everyday of your life by the people who are supposed to represent your best interests? I dont think so.
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