The Really: Is this 2008 Presidential Election really this important?
In a word, Yes...
I have not been around for many elections, but in my lifetime none have captured me, my country or the world for that matter like this one has. There seems to be so much at stake this time. The War on Terror, the economy is in shambles and the very real possibility of appointing the next 2 Supreme Court Justices during the next 4 years. The difference between this election and others is that these are real issues this time and we are going to need a super hero to fix them. The issues the candidates are debating about are make or break issues right now. In the past, candidates would talk about health care or social security maybe raising or not raising taxes. That is great and all but we were going to be alight for the most part. Now, if our economy does not get fixed 95% of us are really stand to be in deep s***. If we don't patch up our relations with countries, especially in the middle east, the September 11th attacks could just be the beginning.
The last 6 years have seen unprecedented spending by both the federal government and its citizens, horrible foreign policy decisions and just an overall loss in our standing as the #1 country in the world.
When you couple this with the fact that either party will make history (first African American president or first woman as vice president) when voted into office; this is what makes this election so special. Either candidate will have more then 4 years worth of work on the first day of their presidency. Either candidate will be remembered as the one that brought our country out of its biggest hole yet, or the candidate that dug us deeper in that hole.
As we head to the polls this year lets remember some key things. These two candidates are both great men. They have both worked their entire lives to protect and serve our country as best they know how. Even though they will go about it in different ways, both candidates believe they have the country's best interests at heart. I don't know if you can say that about our current administration but my gut feeling is that you can say that about the next one.
I have my opinions as I am sure you all have yours. Let us all try to keep our eyes, ears and mouths on the task at hand, working together to bring this country back to life. As much as I disagree with some of the choices made on our behalf in Washington, I am fortunate to be an American. I have the opportunity, the right, to share my thoughts and feelings with millions of people all over the world and that is more then many can say.
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