The Really: The economic meltdown is killing the McCain bid for the White House?
Conventional wisdom ( which seems an oxymoron these days) is that the economic downturn, or New Great Depression if you like, is dooming the McCain campaign but Sarah Palin appearing dressed in all white like an Aimee Semple McPherson wannabe seems very happy at a campaign rally this morning chiding the Four Horseman: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, The New York Times and the MSM (Main Stream Media) and Bill Ayers. The woman who believes Jesus will come back in her lifetime must truly feel like one of the chosen ones as the market opened Monday October 6 nearly -500 points down.
It must all be part of a plan, though we think God's plan has less to do with it rather than unbridled de-regulation and typical American consumer debt debt and mortgage habits: plenty of blame to go around for both Democrats and Republicans. But the strident, nasty tone (maybe it is just the Fargo accent?) which Palin has embraced seems to play well to the Left Behind people.
But Aimee ended up being exposed as an Elmer Gantry and markets go up as well as down so the End of Days may not be nigh, unless you listen to cable news all day long (which could give you hives as well.) Or maybe if you are part of the "still here" crowd you agree with one of the offspring of the New York Times founders who wrote on his Facebook page: "Sarah Palin Can Suck A D***."
Update: The "Aimee" connection is apparently not that much of a stretch: Dependable Renegade.
Excellent! She is Elmer Gantry AND the moronic combination of Dick Cheney and W in a dress.