The Really: This debate will seal the deal for the election?
Can Bob Schieffer save the debates? Except for the Biden-Palin debate, the sizzle factor has been missing (or maybe there never is sizzle in the carefully constructed debates post-Nixon makeup debacle in 1960) this year. But this is the last chance for both candidates to make their points without spending a zillion dollars on advertising.
The "roundtable" format may make this debate more lively and more personal and Schieffer is a gutsy newsman; so it has possibilities. Also the history of Hofstra University may have a bearing. Put on your comfy wooden shoes and read about it. Hofstra is smack in the middle of Long Island and somewhere between Belmont Park horse racing complex and the rest of the way to the Hamptons, but the twist of fate which is buried deep in Hofstra's founding may be instructive.
William Hofstra, who bought the land which was later donated to the public good and led to the founding of the university, once booked a ticket on the Titanic for a trip to America. His plans changed and he took a different ship to Canada and later went on to be a successful businessman and pillar of Long Island society.
It begs the question: Has McCain with his erratic, wandering campaign bought a ticket on the Titanic? Has Obama's campaign overcome any doubts the independents have as to his readiness? Tomorrow they will sit around the roundtable. If one looks Presidential and the other comes off as the "get off my lawn" cranky old man, it may be over.
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