The Really: Is Senator Barack Obama really this close to sealing up the 2008 Presidential Election or is this just another Democratic blunder waiting to happen?
Depending on the channel (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) or the Poll (AP, CNN/ABC. NY Times), Senator Barack Obama is up 10 points or only 1. Personally, I don't believe in polls. Polls, just like the humans who conduct them, are inherently flawed. I will know who won the election when the other guy has called in and conceded the election. Even then I will still be suspicious but I will at least feel like I can stop watching the news 25 hours a day.
It's crazy. I know that when I turn on the TV I will see the same thing I saw that morning and even a week ago. I will hear pro this and con that on everything they can think of. Yet, I still turn on that TV and fall asleep to it. I ask myself, what am I waiting for? Do I really expect to hear something different? No, I am just a plain old addict, what can I say... So instead of fighting it, I will overdose on it until the cows come home on November 5th.
Today I dropped my mail-in ballot in the mailbox. It felt good to vote for something and someone I believed in. All I will say is that I hope enough of the Electorial College feels the same as I do. It should be interesting to say the least.
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