The Really: With a $150,000 fashion budget did the GOP really need to cheap out on the Louis Vuitton bag?
Governor Sarah Palin's daughter is seen here in a picture carrying a FAKE Louis Vuitton hand bag. What's the big deal? Well for starters we could go on a rant for the GOP spending all that cash on Palin during a time when the economy should be their number one issue but then again we could also blame Barack Obama for spending extra money to go see his ailing Grand mama. We could also take the line of, the girl has a fake (made illegally) hand bag and is thus promoting the crime of counterfeiting. And if spending money on luxury items and promoting crimes wasn't horrible enough, the Palin's and GOP truly crossed the line when they toted a knock off bag made bad enough that someone could actually spot its flaws in a photo... With all the secrete service, high surveillance and God knows what else what, couldn't they protect this little girl from some idiot bloggers with nothing better to do then write this story at 10:44pm on a Saturday night? Guess not!
you took this from my blog...didn't you? why don't you let me contribute and avoid all this