Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just In Time For The Depression

The Really: French Dip sandwiches for 10 cents and coffee for a nickel?
Los Angeles is not getting in on the "new skid row" fashion bandwagon, just celebrating Philippe The Original's 100 year anniversary. Timely. I love LA. From one of the best blogs going, LA Observed.

Reaper Takes The Day Off?: Dow Jones Watch

The Really: The market will stabilize without a bailout?

Dow Jones up 359 points as of 2:20 ET with expectation that Congress will act.

Bloomberg for latest tickers.

Dow Close at +485.21

Monday, September 29, 2008

Top Ten Supreme Court Cases For Sarah Palin To Drop Into Conversation With Katie Couric

Here is a freebie to you to use on Thursday. I may bill you for researching the info later if you ever become Vice-President.

Marbury v. Madison (1803) -- The Supreme Court's keystone power of Judicial Review was established by this case.
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) -- In this case the Supreme Court gave a wide definition to Congress' power to "regulate commerce... among the several states."
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) -- Slaves were classified as property. This case fueled the flames that began the Civil War.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) -- This famous case laid the groundwork for the "separate but equal doctrine" that limited the rights of minorities for decades.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) -- A tremendous step in the direction of equal rights for all citizens.
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) -- Free legal counsel was established in this case to be necessary in case the defendent in any criminal case cannot afford it.
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) -- Marital privacy (specifically, the use of contraceptives) was protected by this case.
Miranda v. Arizona (1966) -- The rights of the accused were upheld by this ruling.
Roe v. Wade (1973) -- In this highly controversial case the Supreme Court laid down what states can and cannot control in regards to abortions. *
United States v. Nixon (1974) -- The President's "Executive Priviledge" was limited by this case.
*Don't use this one again.

Real Republicans Breathe A Sigh Of Relief

The Really: Really, Right Wing Republicans are happier then a pig in .... that this bill failed.

In all the talks about this bailout plan, I have consistently heard from true fiscally conservative Republicans that they think the passage of this bill would be a disaster. Not only did they get their wish with the bill failing in the House today but they get to blame the Democratic Congress for its failure. What a day for Republicans.

Class Warfare

The Really: The nexus of the Wall Street-Washington crisis is not one of liquidity or credit or mortgages: it is one of class.

But it is class defined not by ancestry or education or geography but as defined by wealth. The haves and have-nots are no longer easily pigeon-holed as one ethnic group or color when a generation which suffers no discrimination, has jobs, works hard and pays taxes can be just as impoverished in terms of healthcare, economic future and in many communities food and heat.

It didn't happen this week. It has been going on for a decade. The Grant administration, or if you would rather, the Bush administration, has been a happy feeding trough for the slick, the fast, the too smart for their own good.

The fall-out from the failure to pass the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 will likely result in movement towards the next step the have-nots have always taken when they realize they are own their own and have no confidence in the institutions that have failed them. The run on the bank.

For The Love Of God You Limey Bastards Don't Give Them Any Ideas!

The Really: The Times Online is reporting some in the McCain camp want not fewer but MORE stunts from McCain-Palin. How about our very own clogging Princess Di!?

The formerly great but still pretty darn good Times of London is reporting that the next stunt from the traveling McCain-Palin show may be a wedding between red-neck hockey daddy Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin. They seem convinced that somehow the American public is so dumb and so easily distracted that an entire week of press coverage and voter attention will be consumed by America's sweathearts.

Apparently our appetite has been whetted by the gut-wrenching Couric interview (and when not cringing at the economic news) we will line up to throw cow chips at the happy couple.

Do what your parents did Bristol. Elope.

Ten Questions They Are Afraid To Ask At The Vice Presidential Debate

The Really: Why does no one really ask the hard questions?

To both candidates:
1: What does the vice president really do?

To Governor Palin:
2: If John McCain died would you turn Alaska into the Capitol of the United States? (It's bigger then DC)

To both candidates:
3: Why are you getting paid to hold your current Senate/Governor position when you are just out campaigning?

To Governor Palin:
4: Do you care more about getting out of Troopergate or getting out of Iraq?

To both candidates:
5: Can either of you tell me why George Bush has not been impeached?

To Senator Biden:
6: Will you and Barak Obama have a secret handshake with a fist pound at the end?

To both candidates:
7: Can either of you tell me why Vice President Dick Cheney has not been impeached?

To Senator Biden:
8: All things being the same, would you rather vote for a black man or a white woman?

To both candidates:
9: Are either of you willing to tell on your boss if you see them doing something wrong?

To both candidates:
10: Do you think you are more qualified to run this country then the man you may be running under?

While Rome Burns?

The Really: Are American politicians fiddling while Rome burns?

Who do we hang? from Gawker.

The roll call vote.

Dow closes with worst point drop in US history 777.68

Failed 700 Billion Buck Bail Out Reactions

The Really: This could really be the reaction from President Bush and Friends to the news that The House of Representatives rejected the $700 billion plan to bail out the U.S. financial system.

In all the doom and gloom produced today we think a little humor is in order. Funny, even though the bailout failed we are all still here. I think if we as a country keep putting our nose to the grindstone and working hard we are going to be alright.

Financial Tip Of The Day: Maybe you should pass on that 60 Inch Flat Panel Plasma TV with no interest financing for 6 months until this all gets sorted out?!?

More Doh!'s and ahhs to come...

Breaking: House Vote Fails And Dow Index Down 689 Points

The Really: The House Vote is looking ominous for passage right now (10:45 PST) and the Dow is falling dramatically.

Breaking: House rejects bill. (11:12 PST) Dow down -520 points. Passage failed by 23 votes.

Republicans blame Pelosi speech before the vote with failure to pass.

Obama in speech in Colorado calms crowd and says "it will get done" even if it is a bit bumpy.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC says this was a failure of McCain to lead his party.

Dow -505 points.

Pelosi to speak shortly. Noon PST.

Dow -571 points.

Pelosi calls for more bi-partisan work to pass a bill.

Dow -567 points.

Frank believes Republican free-marketers defeated the bill. If we were "chicken littles" then fine.

Dow -674 points

Bush disappointed and will be talking to his economic advisors.

Dow -584 12:42 PST

Dow closes with worst point drop in US history 777.68

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

Click on the pic to reach a download.

The Really: Washington Post article by article breakdown of the bill.

House link: draft of the House "bill". 110 pages

John McCain's Gambling: The Big Double Down

The Really: John McCain's Maverick sensibility extends to his love of gambling?

A New York Times article today investigates his political and personal gambles with lobbyists and contributors.

For much of his adult life, Mr. McCain has gambled as often as once a month, friends and associates said, traveling to Las Vegas for weekend betting marathons. Former senior campaign officials said they worried about Mr. McCain’s patronage of casinos, given the power he wields over the industry. The officials, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity.

“We were always concerned about appearances,” one former official said. “If you go around saying that appearances matter, then they matter.”

The former official said he would tell Mr. McCain: “Do we really have to go to a casino? I don’t think it’s a good idea. The base doesn’t like it. It doesn’t look good. And good things don’t happen in casinos at midnight.”

“You worry too much,” Mr. McCain would respond, the official said.



From a 2005 New Yorker Article:
Wes Gullett, a close friend who worked for McCain for years, told me that they used to play craps in Las Vegas in fourteen-hour stints, standing at the tables from 10 a.m. to midnight. “Craps is addictive,” McCain remarked, and he headed for the fifteen-dollar-minimum-bet tables.

Also: On the day of the largest point drop at the Dow in US history, Obama in a campaign speech mentioned McCain's gambling and maverick impulse as a reason not to vote for him in 2008.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chris Rock Says Vote For The Guy With One House

The Really: Should we really be voting for a guy who could lose 5 homes and still have 7 left?

Chris Rock talking to Larry King about Barack Obama:

Um, you know what? I'm proud Barack Obama's running for president. You know? If it was Flavor Flav, would I be proud? No. I don't support Barack Obama because he's black… I introduced Obama at the Apollo Theater not too long ago. I think Obama would be great. I mean, just look the big thing right now is the economy. And people are going broke. And here: The choice isn't Republican or Democrat. The choice is you got a guy that's worth $150 million with 12 houses against a guy who's worth a million dollars with one house. The guy with one house really cares about losing a house, because he is homeless. The other guy can lose five houses and still got a bunch of houses. Does this make any sense? Am I the only one that sees this… I'm just saying, John McCain could lose half his houses… And sleep well.

How Seriously Will Independent Voters Take McCain's Craps?

The Really: Already the blogosphere is blowing on the dice hoping the numbers will come up for their candidate.

Armchair lawyers (and some real ones) are arguing personal income tax gambling deductions. The left blogs are horrified there is gambling going on here!

But do independent voters care about this while they are busy checking the line on the NFL games? The discussion of influence in McCain's Indian Casino and corruption oversight is lost in the tsk-tsk of John standing at the tables late at night throwing the bones for hours come up snake eyes?

Will John McCain Please Stick To Being A Maverick?

The Really: Did John McCain really think the Congress needed his help in shaping the 700 Billion Buck Bailout?

I find it close to hysterical that Republican Nominee for President, John McCain, thinks he was important enough to stop a presidential campaign to make sure the Bailout was going to get done. The even funnier part is that the moment he left things started to get accomplished.

Time line:

Monday, President Bush announces that the US economy is in trouble and needs the federal government to bail it out to the tune of $700 billion dollars. (side note: REALLY, did President Bush really just come to the conclusion that the US economy was in trouble.) (side note 2: How much bigger can a Republican Administration possibly make the Federal Government. Isn't this the party that is against Big Government?

Monday and Tuesday, President Bush states that Congress needs to not ask questions and just pass his $700 Billion Buck Bailout plan. (side note: Where have I heard this before?)

Tuesday, Things start to move forward with the Bailout.

Wednesday, In a political move John McCain states publicly that he is going to suspend his campaign, not attend the first Presidential Debate in Mississippi and focus on the Economic Bailout plan.

Wednesday and Thursday, John McCain continues to attend presidential campaign events in his schedule.

Thursday, John McCain arrives in DC, sits in a room and doesn't do to much.

Congress announces at the end of the day that not only have they not agreed on a plan, they are regressing.

John McCain announces that he will be flying to Mississippi to resume his presidential campaign and debate against Barack Obama.

John McCain and Barack Obama have the debate as scheduled in Mississippi.

Saturday, Congress announces that they have made "great progress" in shaping the Bailout.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everyone Loves Money

The Really: This is really my favorite commercial of all time and right now we all can feel it.

(Please note we do not have any affiliation with Comcast nor do we recommend their products. We just think this is funny!)


Yip Harburg also wrote all the lyrics for the Wizard of Oz in 1939.

Link To Financial Markets Assistance Plan

The Really: We will post links to the download location of the Financial Markets Assistance Plan when it is posted 24 hours prior to the Congressional vote. I would guess it will be in .pdf format.
This link here is not the plan but a Reuters report on the key elements of the plan. Here is a longer story on the details.

Update: Draft of Bill 110 pages pdf

How About Some Love For Crazy Joe Biden!

The Really: Hasn't anyone noticed that Joe Biden is a first-rate speaker, knows stuff--I mean alot of stuff--and is funnier than hell!?

Sarah Palin was also asked by CNN to give a response but the McCain campaign has her so far under wraps that even they can't find her.

Paul Newman In One Of His Greatest Scenes: The Verdict

Paul Newman Dead At Age 83

The Really: Paul Newman Dead.

CNN is reporting Paul Newman dies from cancer.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Will McCain Meltdown During Tonight's Debate?

The Really: With all the pent up emotion, fear and ill humor going around will the crowd root for a meltdown at tonight's debate?

Eratic is one of the nicer words used to describe McCain decisions from Sarah Palin to his white knight ride to the economic summit. Will Obama try to use the crowd emotion to get at McCain and rattle him?

McCain did not meltdown but he seemed to our eye, a little...nutty. If the primary threat at this moment was crisis abroad I would say McCain won slightly, but since the threat is in our own country, with an economy which has ground to a halt and middle class Americans are struggling as never before in my lifetime, I would say Obama's approach slightly won. We called this one corectly last week. This one is a tie.

In pre-vice-presidential debate news, after mock debate and press conference practice some McCain staffers have referred to Gov. Palin as "clueless" according the following article.

An early CBS poll (still in process) is as follows from the Seattle PI: Obama-McCain post debate polling: A very preliminary CBS poll has more uncommitted voters saying they think Barack Obama did better than John McCain in their first presidential debate. These figures are still preliminary and could change as more respondents complete the survey. But here's what we have so far: Forty percent of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner. Twenty-two percent thought John McCain won. Thirty-eight percent saw it as a draw.

Jet Man Flies The English Channel

The Really: This is just amazing and real from The Today Show. Check National Geographic channel listings for tonight.

David Foster Wallace's Last Days

The Really: Despite the best effort of school, family and friends, David Foster Wallace's chronic depression was severe in his last days.

One of the finest novelists and writers of his generation had battled depression for years. In some ways like Hemingway, his inability to write weighed heavily on him. His last days are chronicled in a Salon story.

Republicans Are Now The GOP: A Rose Is A Rose

The Really: Democrats go to court to make Dino Rossi and others in Washington State list themselves as Republicans on the election ballot instead of GOP which is the now buzzword for Republicans who still have a chance to win an election in November.

When a Republican administration and President have a historically low rating and when the stumbling block to a crucial vote on the economy continues to be stalled by the House Republicans being called a Republican has now come to be a dirty word. The Democrats respond: A rose is a rose is a rose.

McCain Web Ad Declares Victory In First Debate

The Really: Did the debate already take place?

Oxford Mississippi

The Really: Home of Ole Miss, Faulker, John Grisham and the bullet holes from the integration of James Meredith.
What may be missed in the all the news coverage about tonight's debate is the rich, colorful and historic importance of Oxford, Mississippi. Read a bit about this fascinating and beautiful place and its role in the integration of the South as Barack Obama takes the stage just a few days away from perhaps becoming the first black American President.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Troopergate Inquiry Asked To Look Into Potential Witness Tampering

The Really: So everything changed in the Troopergate investigation when Sarah Palin became a VP candidate?

A state senator in Alaska, Les Gara, has asked the Troopergate inquiry to look into the possibility of witness tampering under Alaska State Law.

Hiding Sarah Palin

The Really: Does the McCain campaign want to hide Sarah Palin from the US public? And why?

There are reports that the McCain campaign wants to cancel the vice-presidential debate. Is Sarah Palin that unprepared? Should Biden talk to an empty chair? Will this confirm that the US is a soon to be third world nation where this kind of thing is common?

Top Ten List From Wasilla, Alaska

The Really: The Los Angeles Times already has the Letterman Top Ten List for tonight's show and it will be given by residents of Wasilla by satellite. Here is the list:

10. Sometimes Sarah calls John McCain “Grandpa.”
9. She stole that sexy librarian look from me.
8. Recently passed legislation to build a bridge to Funkytown.
7. Does great impressions of Tina Fey.
6. Favorite meal: moose nuggets and beaver jerky.
5. Working on “Knight Rider” spinoff about a talking snowmobile.
4. Favorite book? “Late Show Fun Facts” -– available at fine stores everywhere.
3. Once spent a week in the hospital after attempting to put lipstick on a pit bull.
2. To improve her foreign policy experience, she recently went to the International House of Pancakes.
1. Only person I know who’s not afraid to go hunting with Dick Cheney.

Bailout!: Now, Bail Me Out

The Really: Bailout package agreement in principle. Nobody happy.
We will update when McCain camp takes full credit.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Don't Mess With The Letterman

The Really: Cancelled on talk show host finds out that intead of rushing back to Washington to save the nation, McCain is chatting with Katie Couric next door.

Invitations To The White House

The Really: Let's postpone the debates so we can work behind the scenes.

Breaking: Bush invites McCain and Obama to the White House for "bailout" meeting tomorrow according to MSNBC.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Start the Rick Davis Unemployment Clock

The Really: Until last month McCain campaign manager's old firm was still being paid by the one of the architects of the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression?

If the reporting from Huffington Post, Newsweek and The New York Times pans out Rick may have to look for another job. May we suggest as a stand-in for Liev Schreiber?

Obama's Secret Debate Weapon

The Really: Will Obama try to provoke McCain's notorious temper in the debate?

As reported by many news sources but so quaintly by the Brits, Barack Obama will attempt to provoke McCain and make him rage during Friday's debate. But we have the scoop on the "secret face" which Obama will use to heat-up a McCain meltdown.

Troopergate: It's Not Over Till It's Over

The Really: Hollis French a State Senator in Alaska says the Troopergate investigation will continue and conclude by the second week of October according to Mudflats blog.

The press from ABC to Radar basically have thrown up their hands at the clever attempts to delay the findings in the Troopergate investigation until after the national election. Todd Palin has refused to testify (The First Elude?) and severals others in state government will need to be served again to appear. But according to Hollis French it will go on. But wait: Breaking! Troopergate is not dead. It is just different. Sort of like if instead of Watergate, Nixon had HIS OWN Watergate commission made up of people HE COULD FIRE. Well that is what apparently Gov. Palin is going to do.

Dag Palinskjold

The Really: Vice-presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska meets with WORLD LEADERS.

That often disparaged Ted Turner-funded world body on the East River had three special guests today: President George Bush and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and U2 singer and world helpmate Bono. It would be hard to see this as anything but a purely political campaign move and a crash course in the funny names and places of the rest of planet Earth. We will post the earliest photo-ops. I can see for miles.

Quotes we would love to hear coming out of the Karzai meeting: "I love your rugs...and your dogs too!"

Update: Okay. These pics appear to be real. But we like ours better.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Make Your Own Bridge Loan

The Really: While your government fiddles and Rome burns, you can find your own funding right under your nose!

1) Cushions: Seat, sofa car. There is a treasure waiting for you right in your car, house or apartment. Pocket change and even FOLDING money can be found if you take the time to look. Wear gloves: not too thick so you can feel the difference between money and a stray paperclip but thick enough to tell the difference between a dime and apiece of windshield glass.

2) Your change jar: All that nasty, dirty change that has been stacking up for years is just like the price of gold in value--skyrocketing. Almost every town has a place with one of those change sorting machines (usually grocery stores) and they can be more fun than punching the machines at the Indian casino.

3) Clothes you wore the last time you had money: Those would be suits you wore out-on-the-town and you were out to have fun and throwing caution to the wind. 10s, 20s and even a hundred can be found here. Also clothes only worn on special occasions like funerals, proms, or before you got fat. You will be able to wear these again pretty soon!

4) Money you hid: Didn't you? When you heard about the rash of break-ins in the neighborhood or back when you had a drug or alcohol problem and thought it would be wise to hide some money for a rainy day? In a book, in the MATTRESS, under the lip of a shelf? Check it out; what else are you doing?

Tell Me About The Rabbits George

The Really: Both candidates have a plan to restore the national economy.

The best laid plans of mice and men...which during the current economic crisis leaves the American public feeling like Lennie from Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men dreaming about living off the fat of the land

Citizen Journalists Back Off Track Palin Bus Vandalism Story

The Really: The stories about rumors coming from anonymous sources in Alaska regarding Track Palin's possible involvement in a large scale bus vandalism incident in 2005 have largely been abandoned because there was no there there.

Blogreally.com has been following this story (leaving sex and drug use rumors to those more interested) since the number of anonymous sources from Alaska seemed so sincere and certain that Track Palin was one of the unamed juveniles in a school bus vandalism incident in 2005.

Several Alaska blogs addressed this issue (Mudflats, Progressive Alaska, and What Do I Know) and indeed even we received anonymous comments certain (in that Urban Legend sort of certainty) that the rumor was true. In fact KUDO radio ran with the story and sparked some of the interest. But apparently this is also a rumor that has been around for several years.

Before and after the Daily News story which quoted a participant in the vandalism as saying Track Palin was NOT THERE there was considerable interest in the rumor. But one citizen jouranlist who did the most real reporting (you know like actually talking to people and checking facts) has pulled his article from newswire.com as he could not substantiate the rumor and felt he did not want to leave it online if it was ultimately speculation.

And yet the newswire.com piece (Robert Blevins - AB of Seattle) was interesting: showing the process that many investigative journalists go through especially on a story with large political ramifications on a national level. The main source for the KUDO report (someone who has worked with the judicial in Anchorage) will not go on the record for their own and perhaps obvious reasons.

Woodward and Bernstein got paid for their work and the citizen journalist has a job and bills to pay. If no one else goes on the record, there is nothing left except endless hours checking facts: like schedules that would prove where certain people were at certain times three years ago; or budgets to see if restitution was paid to the school district. Of course being properly barred from the juvenile court records unless make investigative reporting on this story a major undertaking. According to Blevins, The Washington Post investigated and apparently did not proceed with a story at this time. Progressive Alaska pulled its post on the reporting of the National Enquirer story --which was to include this rumor-- when it became clear the Enquirer was not fully sourced in its reporting. Or as they like to say in the paper biz "have not nailed it down yet."

Though earlier today Ryan Tate at Gawker thought it might be too soon to tell on the story, it has likely hit a dead end for now.

However, according to Deryck Harris's MySpace page (one of two admitted and verified vandals in the incident, and the one who was quoted in the Daily News saying Track was not there) he will be taking calls after September 16.
Update: KUDO has since done an interview with the father of Deryck Harris where he states he knows the others involved and Track Palin is not one of them. AB Seattle who wrote the newswire story has concluded that TRACK PALIN WAS NOT INVOLVED in the bus vandalism incident.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sarah Palin Believes Jesus Will Come Back In Her Lifetime

The Really: Is this the End of Days?
Okay, last Sarah Palin post of the day, promise, but I was reading my new secret indulgence Mudflats a blog from North To The Future and in a current post is a conversation between Progressive Alaska blogger Phil Munger and Sarah Palin from a time ago. Let me just quote Mudflats and then you can go there and read it yourself:

“I pushed her on the earth’s creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she’d seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them.”
Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. “She looked in my eyes and said, ‘Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.’”

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sick of Politics? Sick of Wall Street? Take An Emmy Break!

The Really: It's time for a break from the election and the economic angst. Emmys!

Who has time to watch TV these days anyway, with our two jobs, hungry screaming children and shrinking paycheck? Well since the Emmys always seem like they are honoring shows from like three years ago, if you have watched TV at all in the last half decade you can have a rooting interest.

Writing Practice's picks:

Outstanding Lead Actor In A Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin. He is crazy but he is funny too!

Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series: Jon Hamm is the eye-candy on the tube for Mad Men.

Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie: Paul Giamatti for John Adams and for everything he does.

Tina Fey for all the other ones.

Friday, September 19, 2008

What If Somebody Hacked Your Website And Nobody Cared?!

The Really: What if Bill O'Reilly's website got hacked and nobody cared?

When Sarah Palin's email account was hacked (on the public Yahoo email system) Wired, Wikileaks and Gawker had a zillion hits (or at least more than a million) of both professional, amateur sleuths and the "looky lous" --or is it "looky loos"?-- checking out her account. But when it happened to Fox person Bill O'Reilly just a couple days later there was little interest. Granted it was just a list of people signing up to whatever club it is that Bill runs but still?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

R.I.P. Troopergate

The Really: With the refusal of witnesses to participate in the inquiry into what is called "Troopergate" (the investigation as to charges of improper influence by Governor Sarah Palin in the investigation of her former brother-in-law and the firing of the director of public safety in charge of Alaskan troopers) and the schedule of the Alaskan governmental bodies, the investigation is RIP or even DOA until after the election.

Newly must reading Mudflats reports on why Troopergate will not mar the otherwise pristine and civil Presidential election.

Is The McCain Ticket Beginning To Look Like A Nut-Mix?

The Really: The things that come out of McCain's mouth.

Today in a discussion of the do-nothing Congress in face of the Wall Street abuses (where was the do-nothing President?) John McCain accused Barack Obama of having profitted from the scandals and abuses of Wall Street. Strong words. But along with a 100 years in Iraq, the we should go to war over Georgia and other statements one wonders where Maverick ends and Dangerous begins. McCain makes Obama look absolutely Presidential.

While Palin has been sent to the penalty box for looking like his over zealous granddaughter when on stage with McCain (as the negatives are beginning to show) the Republicans are looking more like a nut-mix and less like a box of chocolates. I know. Strong words.

The Best Laid Plans

The Really: Both candidates have a plan to restore the failing economy.

Like Lennie, the idiot in Of Mice and Men, the American public is still dreaming of "living off the fat of the land" and "taking care of the rabbits." Tell us about the rabbits Barack! Tell us about the rabbits John! We stand waiting for our new "George" to tell us how it will be; while in reality we travel from farm to farm eeking out an existence. The candidate who can provide a concrete plan will have a tremendous edge with American voters. More regulation or less regulation arguments are a poor substitute for what most Americans are eager to see. Or perhaps this is the best the brain and brawn of Wall Street and Washington can do. Like the characters Lennie and George we are largely at the mercy of fate.

Today in Green Bay, Obama did make some concrete proposals including a promise to cut spending especially of government contractors. It's a start.

I'll Take Manhattan!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nightmare On Main Street

The Really: Whatever you do don't fall asleep.

Fix, Fix, Fix

The Really: CNN is reporting that their will be a major announcement later tonight that will propose a entity --which if we read this correctly-- will be something like a NRA or WPA for banks and insurance companies. Or maybe it will be just a ton of cash to right the listing ship of the economy. We will update.

Ministry Video From Wasilla, Alaska Creeps Us Out

The Really: Christianity and video gaming spawn video? Sarah Palin is only the first step.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are Followers Of Politicians "True Believers"?

A self-educated longshoreman wrote one of the insightful and interesting books on the subject of the individual and the crowd ever written. Eric Hoffer wrote The True Believer published 1951 was a rumination of how and why individuals abandon themselves to movements and how these can border on the fanatical. One could say much of the celebrity culture is also predicated on an understanding of the concepts in his work.
Given the level of frustration of the American voter in this election year the danger of becoming a "true believer" is great no matter which candidate one is "following."

AIG Saved!

The Really: MSNBC is reporting the Fed has a deal: package that saves the institution that Jim Cramer called, "the one that must be saved." Fed to the rescue.

Only I Can Run A Major Corporation?

The McCain adviser and frequent spokesperson for the campaign on news talk shows made the statement today. Backpedling ensued. And by the way, I have a terrible time getting HP printer drivers to work.

Will Android And The Google Dream Phone Be A Nightmare For Developers

Brother, Can You Spare 78B?

The Really: CNBC has just reported that the Fed will not lower interest rates. Stays at 2%. No word on AIG the insurance giant facing bankruptcy.
AIG, the massive insurance company is trying desperately to get financing to avoid bankruptcy.

Let's Start Thinking About Bringing Back The WPA

The Really: This is going to get worse before it gets better.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt faced with a worldwide depression and a lack of national will helped invigorate the nation and actually built stuff and fixed stuff through the NRA and WPA. Likely he was just throwing something against the wall to see if it stuck, but the program for its failings did build things and fix things and even employed the creative writers and painters of the day to catalog and improve American culture.

A national WPA of computer geeks could fix the ATC system, improve national security through fixing the no-fly list, make government computer systems more efficient and save money by reducing government waste. It might even make a better cell phone or music player!

The well-educated creative underclass now faced with an ailing economy and the choice of working at coffee shops or recycling bottles and cans, could actually improve the educational system increasing the the USA's competitive standing in the world and provide new creative output of lasting quality.

The WPA didn't last long as long as other government programs but was intregal to the recovery of the country during some very dark days. Now back to our previously scheduled nasty little election.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Little Bit Of LA Right In The Heart Of Juneau

How do you tell a hockeymom from a pit bull? The pit bull doesn't have a tan.