The Really: Did John McCain really think the Congress needed his help in shaping the 700 Billion Buck Bailout?
I find it close to hysterical that Republican Nominee for President, John McCain, thinks he was important enough to stop a presidential campaign to make sure the Bailout was going to get done. The even funnier part is that the moment he left things started to get accomplished.
Time line:
Monday, President Bush announces that the US economy is in trouble and needs the federal government to bail it out to the tune of $700 billion dollars. (side note: REALLY, did President Bush really just come to the conclusion that the US economy was in trouble.) (side note 2: How much bigger can a Republican Administration possibly make the Federal Government. Isn't this the party that is against Big Government?
Monday and Tuesday, President Bush states that Congress needs to not ask questions and just pass his $700 Billion Buck Bailout plan. (side note: Where have I heard this before?)
Tuesday, Things start to move forward with the Bailout.
Wednesday, In a political move John McCain states publicly that he is going to suspend his campaign, not attend the first Presidential Debate in Mississippi and focus on the Economic Bailout plan.
Wednesday and Thursday, John McCain continues to attend presidential campaign events in his schedule.
Thursday, John McCain arrives in DC, sits in a room and doesn't do to much.
Congress announces at the end of the day that not only have they not agreed on a plan, they are regressing.
John McCain announces that he will be flying to Mississippi to resume his presidential campaign and debate against Barack Obama.
John McCain and Barack Obama have the debate as scheduled in Mississippi.
Saturday, Congress announces that they have made "great progress" in shaping the Bailout.
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