The Really: Why does no one really ask the hard questions?
To both candidates:
1: What does the vice president really do?
To Governor Palin:
2: If John McCain died would you turn Alaska into the Capitol of the United States? (It's bigger then DC)
To both candidates:
3: Why are you getting paid to hold your current Senate/Governor position when you are just out campaigning?
To Governor Palin:
4: Do you care more about getting out of Troopergate or getting out of Iraq?
To both candidates:
5: Can either of you tell me why George Bush has not been impeached?
To Senator Biden:
6: Will you and Barak Obama have a secret handshake with a fist pound at the end?
To both candidates:
7: Can either of you tell me why Vice President Dick Cheney has not been impeached?
To Senator Biden:
8: All things being the same, would you rather vote for a black man or a white woman?
To both candidates:
9: Are either of you willing to tell on your boss if you see them doing something wrong?
To both candidates:
10: Do you think you are more qualified to run this country then the man you may be running under?
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