The Really: When Sarah Palin took on the role of Republican pit bull for John McCain was she aware of the intense scrutiny (read muck-raking) which would take place regarding her family?
Like a hockey-mom highsticking her way through the political scrum, Palin took slapshot after slapshot at the goals of a community organizer who would be President. The convention crowd lapped it up but many others were offended by the self-righteous evangelical tone of her speech.
But should people in ice houses throw stones? Certainly the media has had a field day sniffing out the particulars of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. And the Web 2.0 world has been drawn to Levi's MySpace page like a swarm of electronic locousts. But are there still real stories out which bear on Palin's ability to spread the message and assume the position a step away from the most powerful one in the world?
An anoymous commentor to this blog claims that it is well-known in Alaska, that Track Palin was involved in the vandalizing of school buses (and if this is the incident it was a pretty considerable vandalizing) and according to Mud Flats blog in Alaska (which has covered the Palins in depth), "The newest rumors starting to get teeth involve Track Palin and 3 friends being arrested for vandalizing several school buses. Troopers showed up. And yes, this is Mike Wooten’s area. Bus-gate." The Daily Kos reported the Mud Flats mention yesterday but I am sure many think this line of inquiry is now the sole province of the The National Enquirer.
But wait. Really?! After hearing Governor Palin last night cast about political stones and display her family in all their small town charm shouldn't stories that belie the image being presented gain some investigative traction? Really?!
Like a hockey-mom highsticking her way through the political scrum, Palin took slapshot after slapshot at the goals of a community organizer who would be President. The convention crowd lapped it up but many others were offended by the self-righteous evangelical tone of her speech.
But should people in ice houses throw stones? Certainly the media has had a field day sniffing out the particulars of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. And the Web 2.0 world has been drawn to Levi's MySpace page like a swarm of electronic locousts. But are there still real stories out which bear on Palin's ability to spread the message and assume the position a step away from the most powerful one in the world?
An anoymous commentor to this blog claims that it is well-known in Alaska, that Track Palin was involved in the vandalizing of school buses (and if this is the incident it was a pretty considerable vandalizing) and according to Mud Flats blog in Alaska (which has covered the Palins in depth), "The newest rumors starting to get teeth involve Track Palin and 3 friends being arrested for vandalizing several school buses. Troopers showed up. And yes, this is Mike Wooten’s area. Bus-gate." The Daily Kos reported the Mud Flats mention yesterday but I am sure many think this line of inquiry is now the sole province of the The National Enquirer.
But wait. Really?! After hearing Governor Palin last night cast about political stones and display her family in all their small town charm shouldn't stories that belie the image being presented gain some investigative traction? Really?!
Yes, yes they should!
ReplyDeleteCitizen journalists can take care of this just fine.